2024 CSPA Webinars // Séminaires du CSPA 2024

Transgender Participation in Sport
2.0 CEUs (K8 Diversity & Culture)
Friday March 22nd, 2024
Recording Available in the member’s only area of the website or for purchase for $75 CAD.
Please contact info@cspa-acps.com if you would like to purchase access to this webinar.
This webinar focused on Transgender Participation in Sport and the fight for inclusion in public space through the lens of expert Dr. Travers (they/them). Some key topics discussed include; barriers in sports due to the dominance of sex-segregated institutions and activities, how the sport system marginalizes women, trans, and non-binary athletes, often perceiving them as threats to the established social and political order, and how despite transgender rights having gained recognition in Western societies, reactionary movements, particularly in the U.S. and UK, have counteracted this progress through policies that exclude trans individuals.
Classification: An Integrated Approach
1.5 CEUs (1 Diversity-Specific & 0.5 General)
Friday June 14th, 2024
Recording Available in the member’s only area of the website or for purchase for $75 CAD.
Please contact info@cspa-acps.com if you would like to purchase access to this webinar.
This webinar focused on the classification process for para-athletes, specifically through the experiences of four members of Canada's National Wheelchair Rugby Team. The speakers included Dr. Sommer Christie (CMPC), Head Coach Patrick Côté, Athletic Therapist Marnie McRoberts, and Paralympian Shayne Smith. They discussed the classification process in wheelchair rugby, its impact on para-athletes, and provided insights into mental performance strategies. The webinar also addressed accessibility research and offered recommendations for supporting para-athletes, while helping professionals integrate an accessibility-focused approach in their practice.
How to find a balance between too much, or not enough feedback for mentees
Monday June 24th, 2024
Recording Available in the member’s only area of the website or for purchase for $75 CAD.
Please contact info@cspa-acps.com if you would like to purchase access to this webinar.
This webinar focused on how to find a balance between too much, or not enough feedback for mentees through the lens of Laura G. Farres (PhD, ChPC, RCC, CMPC), Simon Taylor (CMPC) and Matthew Bain (MEd., MA, R.Psych). These experts discussed using feedback effectively in mentorship through the lens of self-determination theory (SDT). Facilitators discussed key elements of feedback such as how often to give it, its intensity, and the best times to provide it along with ways to encourage independence while still fostering growth. Through theory, practical examples, and experiences shared, participants were encouraged to reflect on their approach to feedback, the ways they seek to meet individual psychological needs and create supportive environments for mentees.
Understanding and Fostering Social Identity in Sport Teams and Sport Organizations
1.5 CEUs
Wednesday August 21st, 2024
Recording Available in the member’s only area of the website or for purchase for $75 CAD.
Please contact info@cspa-acps.com if you would like to purchase access to this webinar.
This webinar, led by Dr. Mark Bruner and Dr. Meredith Schertzinger from Nipissing University, focused on understanding and fostering social identity in sport teams and organizations. It explored how social identity can improve mental health through participation in sports. The workshop covered the core elements of social identity, its benefits for teams and individuals, and include interactive breakout sessions for participants to develop practical strategies for strengthening social identities in their own teams or organizations.
Canadian CMPCs at the 2024 Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games
1.5 CEUs
Thursday, October 3rd, 2024
Wednesday August 21st, 2024
Recording Available in the member’s only area of the website or for purchase for $75 CAD.
Please contact info@cspa-acps.com if you would like to purchase access to this webinar.
This webinar explored the experiences of Certified Mental Performance Consultants (CMPCs) at the Paris 2024 Olympics and Paralympics, featuring Dr. Penny Werthner, Lisa Hoffart, and Joseph Leszner. They discussed their roles as CMPCs and Mental Health Leads, focusing on four key knowledge areas: professional ethics, sport psychology, helping relationships, and psychological foundations of behavior. Participants gained insights into how these experts applied these principles in high-performance settings at the Games.