Calgary, AB, Canada
Fewster, MC
Professional Affiliations:
Consultant, Canadian Sport Institute Calgary
Clare Fewster has been a Mental Performance Consultant in Calgary for over 15 years. Through her experience working with athletes of all ages and levels Clare has gained extensive knowledge and insights into what it takes to perform at the highest level. Clare has had the great opportunity to work with athletes, coaches, and professionals from the recreational to national levels, supporting athletes at Canada Winter Games, World Cups, and Olympics. Through her affiliation with Canadian Sport Institute Calgary, Alberta Sport Development Centre and the National Sport School Clare has worked with a wide variety of sports including curling, equestrian, golf, hockey, speedskating, hockey, swimming, gymnastics, figure skating, alpine skiing, soccer and many others.
Clare’s goal is to provide athletes, coaches, and teams with the tools and support necessary to enhance mental fitness strategies, performance on demand, personal growth, self awareness, teamwork, and ultimately to help individuals in their quest to achieve personal excellence. By developing strategies, and new ways to interpret and understand the surroundings, an individual can positively change how he or she perceives, approaches, and handles the environment, interactions with others, and performance. Mindfulness
Additional Training:
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing)